Feriados em Portugal


All Saints´ Day is celebrated annually on November 1st in honor of the known and unknown saints, martyrs and heroic Christians celebrated throughout the year.
01 Nov 2022 min de leitura
All Saints' Day is celebrated annually on November 1 in honor of the known and unknown saints, martyrs and heroic Christians celebrated throughout the year.

This day is also celebrated (in advance) the day of the Faithful Departed, which is celebrated on the 2nd of November.

Origin of All Saints' Day Celebration
The origin of the festival dates back to the 2nd century, when Christians began to honor those who had been persecuted and martyred for their faith.

It was Pope Gregory III who in the 8th century dedicated a chapel in Rome to all people who had lived an existence according to the Gospel and, therefore, were considered saints. He also ordered the solemnity to be celebrated on 1 November.

All Saints' Day Traditions
This day is dedicated to honoring all who have departed. As a rule, Portuguese families decorate the graves of their relatives in cemeteries and throughout the first of November they visit the cemeteries to leave branches and candles on the tombstones. Before visiting the cemetery, masses are held in the parishes and then there is a procession to the cemetery.

On the 31st of October, the eve of All Saints' Day, in Anglo-Saxon countries, there is a belief that the souls of the dead descend to earth at the places of birth.

Therefore, at night, Halloween is celebrated (the name by which the night of witches is known worldwide).

The 1st of November is also known as the Day of Bread for God, a date long awaited by children, who take to the streets with a bag to collect gifts, such as chestnuts, walnuts, figs and sweets.

All Saints Holiday
All Saints' Day is a national holiday. This day ceased to be a national holiday in 2013, but the Government resumed it in 2016, by agreement with the Holy See.

Source: calendarr.com
Feriados em Portugal
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